Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Official Opening of Butterfly's Wardrobe

29th July 2009

Official opening of Butterfly's Wardrobe

Sunday, July 26, 2009


教育孩子真的不简单, 除了要给孩子一个好的学习环境, 父母的耐心最重要!


小宝贝, 打了你, 骂了你, 妈妈又后悔了.



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Family @ Shoes

These slippers were bought by my hubby to himself, me and Little Honey, when he was on the business trip in Guangzhou.

RMB10.00 each, extremely cheap and the quality is good.

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Birthday @ Early Celebration on 19-07-2009

My second birthday celebration was treated by my best friend at Mama's Nyonya Restaurant. This is the first time I try Nyonya foods.

The environment is comfortable and warm. Many pictures of celebrities who came to this restaurant before are hanging on the wall.

My best friend - Chooi Yee and her hubby, Eng Boon.

Most of the recipe of Nyonya foods include onion.

Top left : Ikan bilis with onion Top right : Fried Prawn with sauce
Bottom left : Fried pork with onion and sauce Bottom right : Spring roll

Top left : Curry fish with onion Top right : Pig stomach pepper soup
Bottom left: Fried vege with onion Bottom right: Dessert and drink

All the foods are super delicious!! Eight thumbs up!!

There was a surprise after the lunch........ a mini birthday cake bought by my best friend to me. This is the FIRST Birthday Cake for me this year, and maybe it is the only birthday cake for this year :P

Three cutie panda :)

Thanks, Chooi Yee :)

Mama's Nyonya Food
Address: 31-D, Abu Siti Lane, Pulau Pinang.
Tel: 604-229 1318

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Birthday @ Early Celebration on 18-07-2009

I must mark this date because it is the FIRST time my younger sister treat me a dinner! I had begged her for a treat since she started working. It is really a hard work to beg her for a treat!!

But finally I got it :)

Here it is.

Birthday dinner at Pizza Hut, Queensbay Mall.

I like Pizza Hut because I like stuffed crust pizza :)
My sister shocked that I have choosen Pizza Hut for the celebration because she thought that I am going to have something special and expensive for her first treat. I was just purposely avoid it because I still look forward for her second, third, forth.............treats. So, just don't want to scare her at the first, wahahaha...........

My sister paid the bill happily.
Sis, is that a symptom that you are ready for second treat??

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


很久没有穿高跟鞋了. 今早要去上班时心血来潮就拿出新年前买的2.5寸的高跟鞋来穿.

其实, 穿高跟鞋是可以让人看了比较美, 也让人更自信, 尤其是我这种大屁股的人, 穿高跟鞋就会拉长我身体的比例, 让人看了比较没那么大屁股.

但是, 自从结婚后我就很少穿高跟鞋了. 一来为了迁就我的老公(我穿2.5寸高跟鞋就和他平高了) ;二来是穿平底鞋比较方便 , 走路都快过人 ; 三来是为了我的小宝贝, 常常要抱她穿平底鞋比较方便 ; 四来就是婚后变黄脸婆了, 老公也很少认真的看我的打扮了, 所以就变得邋搨了.

是时候改变了! 我不想变黄脸婆, 我不要大屁股!!!


(看上图) 我不敢穿那么高啦!! 会四脚朝天嘞!! 我最高穿3寸罢了!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Best Cook In The World

Who is the best cook in this world?

It's my mum!!

You don't trust me? Then see the pictures below. She cooked all these foods by herself, with minor assistant of maid.

Did you count how many dishes she had prepared?


These foods were cooked to serve our business guests from overseas. My mum spent whole day to buy, prepare and cook. She was happy when all praise for her foods. See the picture, she is smiles happily.

Mum, you are the best!!

I am fat now!!

Gain too much on weight recently!!

I want to diet!!!

So, please don't treat me lunch or dinner!


my sister is going to treat me dinner this coming saturday,
(I must go because this is the FIRST dinner she treats me)


my good friend is going to treat me birthday dinner next coming saturday.
(I must go as well because she is my good friend ma)

So, postponse my diet plan to next next week :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009


小孩子的学习能力真的很强. 前几天我把脚放在纸上画出我的脚型给小宝贝看.
今天我就看到小宝贝自己画画时, 忽然她把自己的脚放在纸上, 很努力的画出她的脚型.

大人的举动和态度就是小孩子最直接的学习管道, 我要时常警惕自己做个好榜样给小宝贝学习.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Shopping Again!!

These are the result from my recent shopping :)

I really enjoy shopping...... shopping make me feel happy and satisfaction.
It is the way for me to release my stress from work and life :)

Friday, July 10, 2009


工作一团乱, 生活一团乱!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


有时侯我感觉到我心理有个魔鬼,总是叫我做些伤害自己,伤害别人的事. 看到一位母亲虐儿的报道, 竟然有把声音告诉我也那么做. 我很害怕, 我是有妄想症吗? 总是把自己联想到不好的事! 我不要这样!! 我很害怕! 我会疯掉吗!!!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Second Attempt

These are the artwork Little Honey done today at Learning Garden, once again assisted by maid as I was working this morning.

See this for her first attempt.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


看着小宝贝一天一天长大, 我越不希望她像我, 她却越来越像我.
她对玩具没很大的兴趣, 什么玩具都玩不过五分钟.
反而, 她对周围的事物较有兴趣, 带她上超级市场, 她可以到处跑, 什么都要摸一摸, 拿一拿.
我希望她喜欢阅读, 希望她有艺术细胞, 希望她喜欢画画.
但是, 她拿笔画一画就没兴趣了.
拿着书没两分钟也放下了; 看电视却可以半小时不动.

有时, 我在想她还那么小, 我是否不应该把自己的期望附加在她身上呢?
我是希望我的小宝贝是最优秀的, 不是在学业方面, 而是在品德方面.

小宝贝, 只要你健康, 快乐, 乐观, 惜福, 感恩,

DesignBy@szesze Images@JoJo Icons@choco*choco