Thursday, December 31, 2009
迎接2010 ~ 新的开始
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
今天实在是太顺利了. 早上搞好旧车的割名手续, 把旧车卖了, 下午我们的新车就出来了. 我们可没有事前安排好的, 只是一切都太顺利了 :)
太高兴了, 希望这一切都是好的开始, 事事都这样顺利啦!
我们一家很少有户外的家庭日. 难得这天我们去了位于Upper Penang Road的Little Penang Street Market. 我一直都想去看看, 听说有很多手工品. 这market是每月的最后一个星期日才有的.
很多人, 很热闹
还有买吃的, 很美的Cupcakes
过后, 我们带小宝贝去坐bus. 她讲了很多次要坐bus了. 每次看到bus都会和我说:"妈妈, 我要坐bus."
刚开始, 小宝贝很兴奋, 一直往外看风景.
坐了好几站后, 到了总站转另一辆bus时, 小宝贝忽然哭了, 吵着要下车, 讲怕怕. 但我们的车停在下几站, 我只好一直安慰她罗.
到了站, 我又带小宝贝坐三轮车, RM5.00 (少过1 km的路程). 小宝贝还在怕怕, 笑不出咧.
我好像比小宝贝兴奋 :P
p/s: 这次坐过bus后, 我再问小宝贝:"要坐bus吗?" 她答:"不要, 怕怕." 我想来想去都不知道她怕什么.
回家休息后, 晚上我们到E&O Hotel的Sarkies Corner和朋友吃自由餐, 不贵, 因为朋友有会员折扣, 才RM58++ per person.
忙着吃, 所以没有拍到什么照片 :P
有很多东西吃啦......烧鸭, 烧鸡, 海鲜, Sushi, 面包, soup, spaghetti, 炒饭, Ice Kacang, Iced Cream.......很多...........我觉得比上次我在Parkroyal的好吃, 价钱还便宜一半.
小孩子一下子就混熟了, 很快打成一片了.
开心又充实的一天就这样过罗 > o <
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
小宝贝成长 ~ 戒穿尿布记
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
我们怀疑是去年我家装修时, 有几个印尼男工和她们窜通的. 因为去年装修后, 那两个印尼婆就跑路了. 剩下一个印尼婆没跑, 但我们怀疑她还有和跑路的/印尼男工联络(之前她和她们曾经偷偷晚上跑出去). 她应该带过我们今年新请的两个印尼婆出去, 所以有"空头"了.....就一个一个跑路(为什么不一起跑, 要一个一个跑?).
我想不明白? 她们跑出去, 没护照, 没permit, 会找到什么好"空头"呢? 我们虽然怀疑她们, 但我们还是选择相信她们. 所以, 第一个跑时, 第二个和第三个讲她们不知道, 我们也不逼供; 第二个跑时, 第三个讲她不知道, 我们也没逼供. 结果, 第三个也跑了. 人与人之间是不是连基本的信任也不能有了呢? 选择相信, 让我们做人也轻松点. 但是, 现在的社会, 相信往往让人失望.
前几天我去逛夜市, 看到八十巴仙的外劳. 其中, 印尼婆也很多. 我在想, 她们都是有permit的吗? 还是她们是跑路的? 如是的话, 她们还可以坦荡荡的在逛街吗?
我们的警察先生真无能. 这几年有多少的印尼婆跑路, 我没有看到他们有做了什么. 如果在街上捉到了, 我看喝喝咖啡也没事了. 不然的话, 跑路的为什么会越来越多? 我们去报案时, 警察先生也一副不紧不张, 习以为常的样子, 也没多问详情. 请问, 这样会破案吗? 我想, 他们连follow up都没有吧! 报完案就直接close file了.
那么容易就跑路, 却不容易被捉, 难怪越来越多外劳往我们国家来. 那么"自由"的国家, 谁不要来??
Hard Rock Cafe & Hotel, Penang @ 13-12-2009
Christmas Decoration inside the Cafe, Little Honey loves Christmas Tree
There is a Hard Rock Shop inside the Cafe, you can purchase Hard Rock T-Shirt here.
Let's look around :)
It is just similiar to any other Hard Rock Cafe in the World.
Little Honey was enjoying her Kids Set
All its foods look interesting and delicious. I would say its presentation is higher mark than its taste :)
Jumbo Combo
A delectable array of our most popular starters that’s big enough to share. Includes Santa Fe Sping Rolls, Hickory-Smoked Chicken Wings, Onion Rings, Potato Skins and Tupelo Chicken Tenders. Served with four different sauces for mixing and matching.
Hickory Smoked Chicken Wings
Colossal wings, hickory-smoked in our hardwood smoker. Have them Buffalo style or fire-grilled with our choice of Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, or Tangy Bar-B-Que sauces. Served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing.
Little Honey's Kids Set ~ Chicken + French Fried
grilled hawaiian chicken
A semi-boneless half-chicken marinated for 12 hours in a fresh ginger soy marinade, then slowly oven roasted. The chicken is then finished on the fire grill, basted & topped with diced grilled pineapple and green onions. Served with White Cheddar smashed potatoes and fresh vegetables.
emm.....I forgot what is this.....but looks delicious too, right?
Grilled Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon
An 8 oz. filet grilled and topped with a
Merlot-garlic butter and served with White
Cheddar smashed potatoes and fresh vegetables
Luckily that we were here early (11a.m.). It was full house after we had our lunch (or brunch).
Visited the Hotel after the lunch.
Check In Counter
Do you see the room? It is great!! You can go to the swimming pool without leaving your room, just open your sliding door and jump! I told my hubby:"I want to stay at this room if we stay here!!"
The Pool
It is super enjoy to swim here, isn't?
Will be back for Hotel stay at next visit :P